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Gut Check

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Gut Check
Product Details

Gut Check: Unleash the Power of Your Microbiome to Reverse Disease and Transform
Explore this definitive guide to the gut biome and its control over its home—us!—revealing the unimaginably complex and intelligent ecosystem controlling our health and teaching us how to heal our guts to prevent and reverse every type of disease. The diverse species of microbes that exist in the gut and mouth, and on the skin work synergistically to communicate with every body system. You are your microbiome’s home, and it wants to take care of you, but first you have to protect it. Understand the keys to unlocking gut health, allowing the body, and its microbiome, to function at their highest potential. Implement a detailed eating plan with food lists and recipes to heal and rebalance the microbiome to repair health and reclaim lives.

CDR Approved & CBDCE Accepted
CDR (Commission on Dietetic Registration) 20 CPEU. View CDR Practice Competencies under the Medical Nutrition Therapy category here. CDR Activity no. 181406.
CBDCE (Certification Board for Diabetes Care and Education) 20 CEU
More about professional approvals here. Expiry: Feb 14, 2027

65 multiple choice questions. Download on demand. Unlimited retakes. View How It Works.

  • Kindle eBook: 2930 KB. ASIN: B0C24811RT. Accessible in the U.S. only. You must have an active amazon account and understand how to access your Kindle eBook via the access link that you receive from us. Learn more here.
  • Book: Hardcover, 336p. Jan 2024. ISBN-13: 978-0062911773. Book preview
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